NEW! Informix 14.10xC8

NEW! Informix 14.10xC8

Informix 14.10xC8 was released in May 2022! It offers some interesting new features mainly in the fields of administration and monitoring. Furthermore there have been important information about the discontinuation and changes of software (support) which should be present to administrators.

A significant amount of work went into improving the monitoring tool Informix HQ which has been following the Open Admin Tool since Informix 14.10 was released the first time. Besides others furthermore you may notice some new configuration parameters in the field of ON-BAR and Wire listener.

In the following we would like to give you a personal selection of new features and enhancements.

  • InformixHQ: View Agents drop-down and Shutdown button: thisfeature in InformixHQ helps users to see consolidated view of all the agents. It displays the list of all the Agents' information and their status at one place, depending on user privilege to specific instance/server added in InformixHQ. A user can now shutdown an Agent based on user privileges using the new Shutdown button added to Informix HQ UI .It is an easy way to shut down the InformixHQ server directly from the InformixHQ UI instead of command prompt. Please note: InformixHQ 2.0.0 (Informix Server 14.10.xC8) has upgraded its H2 Database version due to certain security vulnerabilities present in the older versions of H2 Database. For existing users (InformixHQ 1.6.3 or lower) hence data needs to be migrated to 2.0.0 or higher   If users using InformixHQ 1.6.3 or lower try to move to InformixHQ 2.0.0 or above they will get an error and they will not be able to start InformixHQ until the data is migrated to the newer version of H2 Database. For new users who are using InformixHQ for the first time (version 2.0.0 or higher), no upgrade is needed as InformixHQ will create new H2db with the latest version.
  • Rolling Upgrade: when performing a rolling upgrade from a server version earlier than 14.10.xC8, or from a Client SDK version earlier than 4.50.xC8, you must upgrade and restart your Connection Managers before upgrading any of the servers in your cluster.
  • ON-BAR: by default, a backup on an RS secondary server is blocked if non-logging objects exist in the primary database server. This new configuration parameter allows backup to complete even if non-logging objects exist in the primary database server.
  • AUTO_REDAHEAD Enhancement: Automatic read-ahead operations improve the performance doing Sequential Scans. They take care that all data which is necessary to perform the scan is available on time. During the scan of a batch now you can select individually a treshold value steering the point of time the new batch is required. Despite the fact that the default value (50%) is very close to the optimum for most environments, the new option may allow for better tuning in certain cases.
  • Discontinuation: Transport Layer Security, HP-UX Support, Java Runtime Environment


Beyond this you will find some more points which will improve the capability of the IDS.



The Fix List is available here:


You have questions about Informix 14.10xC8 in detail or Informix in general? You are planning a project and needs assistance? You are going to migrate to IFX 14.10 – keep in mind, that IFX 11.70 was “end of support” in September 2020 and that IFX 12.10 will be “end of support” in one or two years! Think about an update on time! Get in touch with us!

Contact: +49 40 875 00 589, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Jörg Kleinitzke & Oliver Hesse
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